Project 8 - Amman Academy

Location: Public School in Ain Al Basha / Jordan

Reach: 80 Children

Year: 2017

Zaid (the founder of The Orenda Tribe) is an Amman Academy School Alumni and as part of its corporate social responsibility, Amman Academy supports a public school in Ain Al Basha. The Orenda Tribe and Amman Academy partnered together to work with young girls at the public school.

The art workshops were implemented over three months. We first did an ice breaking session to learn more about the girls and we found out that their favorite topic at school was English language.

Accordingly, the first part of the workshops focused on teaching the students English through fun art education.

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Then mother's day was coming up, therefore we tailored workshops around the mother and guided the girls to create appreciation letters for their mothers.

The Orenda Tribe tailored and lead the workshops, Amman Academy provided all art supplies, transportation and volunteers for the project.

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