The Orenda Tribe and PepsiCo partner to educate children about recycling as part of their regional efforts towards environmental sustainability.
Recycling is like magic; not only does it help the environment, but it also allows us to create a new life for our everyday material. Recycling and reusing plastic help develop new products, conserve natural resources, save energy, and create jobs for millions of people every year.
And today, with our partnership launch with PepsiCo, we are raising awareness on the importance of recycling and reusing plastic across the MENA region.
Our Mission:
The mission of The Orenda Tribe is to empower, inspire and educate young people to make positive change through art and storytelling.
The Orenda Tribe X PepsiCo MENA Partnership:
To complement their effort to collect and recycle plastic in the MENA region, PepsiCo introduced an educational component that focuses on the young generation through their partnership with The Orenda Tribe. The Orenda Tribe created a number of tools to teach children about the importance of sorting, recycling, and reusing plastic and to empower them to become change agents in their communities on this topic.
- The Impact Box:
The first tool is an impact box that includes several books that teach children about recycling and reusing plastic including a story about the adventure of a water bottle, up-cycling art activities, an educational coloring book, and recycling campaign ideas.

- Children’s Digital Game:
In addition to the box, we have developed an educational digital game called the Adventure of a Plastic Bottle that engages and teaches children on the matter through play, which includes three different parts: one for sorting, the second is recycling, and the third is reusing.

Click here to download the free digital game!
Launch Event:
PepsiCo and The Orenda Tribe have worked hand-in-hand to prioritize sustainability and influence positive change. After two years of work, we were finally able to launch the partnership through an event, which took place in Amman, Jordan, in March, 2022, and we plan to take it across the MENA region. Many important stakeholders attended the event such as the ministry of education, a number of embassies and several active organizations on the topic of recycling and sustainability in Jordan. Various activities were held, including art activities, creating plastic bottle crafts, and storytelling.
Click here to download the game: https://www.theorendatribe.com/pages/adventure-of-a-plastic-bottle.
We started implementing workshops using the created tools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in December 2021 with al Nahda Foundation. We conducted a three-day Training of Trainers workshop, and distributed 150 impact boxes with the support of PepsiCo to be distributed to children in Riyadh by al Nahda.
We aim to replicate and spread these workshops to the entire MENA region in private schools, public schools, CBOs, refugee camps, and marginalized communities.
This will lead to building stronger communities that want to solve, improve, and maintain the well-being of the overall community.

How did all of this become possible?
It started with the founder and CEO of The Orenda Tribe Zaid Souqi and the Vice President of Corporate Affairs, MENA and Pakistan, Wael Ismail, two men who want to make our world a better place.
They first met in 2019 at The Orenda Tribe’s pop-up stand at The Ripe Market during Dubai Design Week in the Dubai Design District. Here, Wael was the first to purchase the Riley the Turtle Kids Hat from The Love of the Sea collection for his daughter, which also tackles the issue of ocean pollution. As they acquainted through several visits by Wael to The Orenda Tribe in Jordan, Zaid explained The Orenda Tribe’s work.
As they both saw clear alignment on the recycling and sustainability vision, the partnership of PepsiCo and The Orenda Tribe was born, whose main goal is sorting, recycling, and reusing plastic on a regional level.
You don’t need a cape and superpowers to save the world. All you need is to make a choice and take action. Will you?

Zaid Souqi - CEO and Founder of The Orenda Tribe.

Wael Ismail - PepsiCo Vice President Corporate Affairs, MENA and Pakistan.
To partner with The Orenda Tribe on social topics like climate change, food security, gender and children's rights, please email us at: info@theorendatribe.com.