The Orenda Tribe Impact

  • Project 16 - Sustainability

    In collaboration with Chalhoub Impact we tailored and ran an art education workshop for Syrian Refugee kids in Lebanon that involved story telling, facts on environmental sustainability issues and building communication skills.
  • Project 15 - Empower

    "In the beginning of the process, I felt somewhat scared and hesitant about my art work. I am not used to draw this way, and feared my pieces weren't going to impress anyone. Towards the end however, I learned that all the things we learned were a medium that allowed us to express ourselves in several different, but fun ways..." - Ruba Emad, Participant of Workshop 15, Gaza Refugee Camp.

  • Project 14 - Superheroes

    Krash is a superhero that cures cancer by transferring his healing blood to others and he is a superhero who was created by girls from Modern Montessori School and Gaza Refugee Camp during project number fourteen. Learn how we used art to break barriers between communities and empower youth during this project.

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